Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Romantic dinner with my husband

Alex and I just finished a lovely dinner, very romantic. We had a picnic right by Chicago's Millenium Park. (beautiful) We chatted and lingered over each bite to make the dinner last as long as possible. (very sweet) We dined on tasty Mexican food. (ok) From Chipotle. (um) We ate standing and used the trunk of our car as a makeshift table. (gross!) A few homeless people checked in to see how we were doing. (nice?)

Yeah, Alex picked me up tonight to go to dinner. The price of gas being what it is and Alex being a big time conservationist ;) Alex turned the car off. And then it wouldn't start.

We called for help. Even though we said that we would likely need a tow truck (the car wasn't even making noise when we tried to start it), they
sent someone to jump start the car. So we waited about an hour to be told we were right and that a tow truck would be here in 70 minutes.

We just hit two hours of waiting.

Hope you've all had better nights than this. :)

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