Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nablopomo = FAIL

It started Friday night. We went out (!) for a friend's birthday! And we had a great time. (Nanna Maggie was kind enough to babysit.)

We got home at 11pm and by the time we got organized to go to bed, it was midnight (!).

I woke up the next morning and thought to myself, oh, shoot, I didn't blog last night. Maybe I could post something quick this morning and back date it to yesterday...

But then an adorable little man who is working on sitting hopped on my bed and took precedence over my schemes.

Almost there........................................................................and he's got it!!

And I think that was the right answer. Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. I'm not convinced. Those pics are in reverse order.

  2. Wrong-o, Patsauce! They are indeed in the correct order. :)

  3. It's taking you quite a while to recover from your silly Nablopomo attempt. If you had just spread those posts out by three days each, we would still be getting regular updates!
