Friday, April 25, 2008

Whole lotta shakin goin on

I am currently sitting on a plane on my way, theoretically, to Seattle, though all we've done is maneuver from the gate to the penalty box. Once we pulled away from the gate, a pretty big thunderstorm came through and has been shaking our plane quite vigorously. I'm a bit fearful that my trip to my friend Tracy's bachelorette party may turn into a tour of the taxi ways of O'hare.

I'm hopeful that the weather gods will let us leave Chicago tonight. I am looking forward to seeing Tracy and my other friends from school who have assembled for the festivities. It's good to meet up with the girls every now and then because (1) my day-to-day routine does not include enough manicures, (2) my friend Candace loves her new camera as much as I love mine (they're the same) so we can dork out together and (3) I need to be reminded from time to time that I just can't rage like I used to. Here's hoping that I don't focus too much effort on that last point. :)

No telling how long we'll be here. The woman behind me is calling everyone she knows and complaining loudly to anyone who will listen that there's a thunderstorm warning for Chicago until 10pm. Yikes.

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